Poduthalai (Phyla Nodiflora)Medicinal uses:

 The whole plant has a bitter, astringent taste. Thermal. Strengthens the scalp minerals;   Heals ulcers of internal organs.

Dissolves scalp inflammation; Amplifying small water; It also cures colds, coughs, and whitening.

Depending on the type of shrub. Growing horizontally with the ground. It has slender spoon-shaped leaves and radiant bouquets with teeth.

The bark is found throughout the year with flowers and pods. The pubescent flowers are small. Whitish with crimson. With a split tongue-like appearance.

Peeling seeds are fine. Moist lands all over Tamil Nadu are self-sufficient in fields and water bodies. The river in the clay can be seen thriving on the banks. The beach edges are very densely grown.

The plant also has the nickname Poorsam and Poruthalai. The whole plant has medicinal value. Peeling leaves and berries are highly medicinal.

To reduce the dandruff problem, to prevent hair loss, collect the required amount of green peeling leaves, put them in a glass bottle, pour enough essential oil, and keep them in the sun for 21 days. Then put in a strainer and rub on the head daily.

Grind an equal amount of cumin with peeled leaves and mix it with gooseberry size buffalo curd or butter and drink it. Doing this regularly for 10 days in the morning alone will cure whitening.

Weaving the bark leaf and adding pepper, cumin, and salt to cure scabies.

To cure diarrhea in children, grind a handful of peeled leaves, add 10 gms of roasted onion, grind it in a liter of water and filter it into 2 liters of stew. It can be given once in 3 hours up to a maximum of 4 times a day.

Grind the leaf and break the tumors to attach to the affected area.

The plant got its name from its anti-dandruff properties. Peel a squash, grate it and rub it on your scalp.

Nutmeg is an important ingredient in many hair care products.

Neotea Poduthalai | Lippia nodiflora | Phyla nodiflora Powder:

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